Student of the Week

If I ever manage to get my hands on an extra rolling chair, I want to remember to have a student of the week.  This is something that I saw in the Red Bluff Grade 6-7 classroom. It was a pretty cool idea. The teacher had a small bulletin board dedicated to that student, complete with their picture and they had to do a little write-up about themselves, their favourite things, and their family.  It would be a really great idea to do something like this as a start-of-the-year activity, then file the items and pull one to be posted every Monday.

This is an image I found that is similar to the idea that she had…


Teaching Classroom Door Routines

I am sitting in what will be one of my last classes of my EDUC 491 practicum. The grade 7 students are supposed to read silently, but I can hear what feels like a million little voices and giggles behind me. I have been moved out of the Teacher’s desk and am now seated beside the classroom door. Students will do anything not to read in this class. I swear almost every one of the students has gone out of the room for one reason or another in the last twenty minutes.

I watched a video recently, probably on Tik Tok, by a teacher talking about teaching his students proper door etiquette, and I didn’t think much about it then. Still, today, I’m thinking – man, that guy was brilliant!    The basis of his idea was that his classroom door was always shut. It sounded like it was locked too. (Super smart, given that you must lock your door in an emergency). He taught all his students how to properly knock on a door and wait patiently, step back and wait for someone to come and open the door. He also taught his students not to open the door without explicit permission. He could also differentiate between his students and strangers by their knock style. This allowed him to track students and others coming in and out of his classroom.

Sitting here by the door, I am acutely aware of the amount of noise coming into the classroom from the hallway and the fluctuation that it has had throughout the day. I am also mindful of how easily students pass in and out of the class without notice when the door is open compared to when it is closed.

I’ve learned in my years as a TTOC that I like working in classrooms where the teachers have a great routine where the students are accustomed to moving a marker or writing their name on a whiteboard to signal when they are in and out of the room.

I think having a knocking-to-come-in routine and a names-to-go-out routine would be the ideal situation to help me manage one of my biggest fears which is not knowing where one of my students is in an emergency.



Hamster in the classroom?

The other day, I was brave enough to hold my niece’s pet hamster. Rodents are not my thing, especially after a night in a cabin with a mouse who jumped onto you! However, this little one year old hamster was a long-haired, Syrian (aka Golden/Teddy Bear) hamster who had been overly handled by my nine year old niece. “Bean” changed my entire outlook on my potential future pet situation!

Over the past few months, I have determined that I most certainly want to have a classroom pet. I’ve been mulling over what type of pet and discussing it with different people in my life. At my last scout camp, I had a lengthy conversation with some of my senior girls who are now in upper high-school and critter enthusiasts. I had ruled out guinea pigs from a classroom experience I had with them. I found them noisy and messy. I feel much the same about birds. Snakes, lizards, spiders, and frogs are all outside of my comfort zone for holding, so they went off the list pretty quick. I really like ferrets, but the stink. Rabbits make a mess, if my memory serves me correctly. The list went on and on… I was left with just fish.

I’m not saying fish are off the list. Maybe, I might even be able to swing both once well established. I do, however. feel that the learning potential for social emotional learning is higher with a hamster that with a fish (even if I do get it from the Emotional Support Fish Store.

I found this lesson plan and have attached it just in case some of it may be adaptable for my needs one day 🐹