Standard 8 – Contribute Profession

Educators contribute to the profession.

Educators honour the profession by supporting, mentoring or encouraging other educators and those
preparing to enter the profession. Educators contribute their expertise in a variety of ways, including
opportunities offered by schools, districts, school authorities, professional organizations, postsecondary institutions and communities. Educators contribute to a culture of collegiality.

As a non-certified teacher, I often searched for teaching resources and did not know where to look. I know that I am much better equipped to source resources now than when I started my teaching journey. However, I also know that I will be able to contribute to that collection of resources as I develop my practice.

This exemplar is an information summary for high school careers teachers to provide information about an excellent BC government resource for Indigenous students.

Although this is just a baby step in the direction of creating resources for educators, I believe it demonstrates my capabilities to share great things in the future.


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